2.0 2.0 2.0, FileMaker hosting service on Linux/Docker

[vc_empty_space] logoWe do it again, but worldwide!


For already 11 years, has been 1-more-thing’s FileMaker hosting service.

From the start, it was created to establish a state-of-the-art standard in FileMaker hosting.

Before that, we, as FileMaker users, we had had several disappointing experiences (single person companies calling themselves hosting companies, servers stacked on a kitchen shelves…) that we thought FileMaker users deserved a real high quality service.

We partnered with specialized companies and data centres, invested a lot of money and energy to guarantee the best possible service to our customers, and up to this day, we always managed to provide it at a very reasonable price that reflects our real costs, not our dream cars price. For instance, why would we charge more if you have more files when an instance of FileMaker Server can host 125 of them, with no more cost than if you have 1?

One example that illustrates our philosophy: we don’t have term commitment on our contracts. Our customers stay with us because they are satisfied with our service, not because they are captive.

FileMaker hosting is now less expensive than a local server!

Today, we’re pushing this logic further. A lot further.

As you may know, Claris just released a Linux version of FileMaker Server.

You might have heard that it’s faster than the Windows and Mac OS versions, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. What we were able to do is to build an amazing infrastructure based on docker.

This is a game changer. It simply doesn’t compare with what you’ve been used to with Virtual Private Servers, even though they would be running Linux.

The docker architecture is not supported natively, but we invested heavily in R&D and were able to work around all technical issues. We acquired new infrastructures, developed new processes and we are now able to offer the best possible service worldwide.

As of today, our service is available wherever you are, from data centres in Europe (France), USA East Coast (PA), USA West Coast (OR). More will come. Australia, Canada and Singapore are just a matter of days, and we are able to deploy in almost any data centre in the world that matches our security/privacy policy, so don’t hesitate to ask us.

Our hosting customers benefits from our full service: licenses, support, secured external backups, incredible performance…

And…, we’re cutting our prices! You can benefit from the best FileMaker hosting service for as little as $49USD/month for 5 users!


Peformance benchmark, by Nick Lightbody performance by Nick LightbodyNick Lightbody is probably the most renown FileMaker Server performance specialist in the world.

He has years of experience testing various configurations and publishing in depth articles on the topic.

For a month, he was able to test our architecture (the only one based on docker), both in Europe and in the US, and recently published his conclusions.

You can read his article on Medium. It’s also discussed on Claris Community.


Updated information can be found on

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